| |
Essex County offers a variety of Canoeing opportunities to suit
your level of ability
Regis Canoe Outfitters - 73 Dorsey St - Saranac Lake, NY and Floodwood
Rd at the edge of the St Regis Canoe Wilderness. phone:518-891-1838
Toll Free 888-775-2925 (888-SR Kayak) Lightweight Canoe & Kayak Rentals,
Camping Gear Rentals, Instruction, Outfitting Packages, & Shuttles.
We are on the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. St. Regis Canoe Outfitters
- Saranac Lake, NY - (518) 891-1838

West Branch Ausable River
A beautiful eight mile day trip. Bring a fishing rod. East Branch Ausable
River Several good canoeing stretches ranging from 2 to 7 miles in length.
| Chubb River The nine mile round trip
on this little river has a nice remote wilderness feeling to it. | Please
remember if you bring it in, make sure you bring it out!!! Always leave an
area the way it was before you got there - Lets keep the Adirondacks Waterways
Clean!!Back To the Canoeing

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