the following links to learn more about the best places to fish, stream descriptions
and so much more. If you would like to submit an article to any of the Fishing
sections of Adirondacks.com, please email
it to us and we will do our best to submit it. - Thanks ADIRONDACK
waters and the best fly fishing opportunities - By Joeseph Hackett
Describes the Adirondack waters and list the streams; West and East Branch
of the AuSable, Saranac River, Bouquet River, Salmon River, Schroon River, St.
Regis River and West and East Canada Creek each with a description of the stream
Paddle and Portage - By Joeseph Hackett Describes the St.
Regis River system that encompasses some 58 ponds and lakes and where to find
those trophys. Brief descriptions of the ponds. 
Fishing Schools.com click
here On-the-water
instruction will teach you casting, knot tying, fly selection, reading water,
presentation techniques, and catch trophy-size trout on a fly rod.
For more
information on Adirondack fishing contact local Chambers of Commerce, New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation or Area Guides.
Region 5 H.Q. Ray Brook, NY 12977 518-891-1370
| N.Y.S.D.E.C. Publication Distribution Unit Albany,
NY 12233 | New York State Department of Commerce
U.S. Geological Survey Washington, D.C. 20242 | Jones
Outfitters, Ltd. Lake Placid, NY 12946 518-523-3468 |
Tahawus Guide
Service (Guides, Lessons, Rentals) Raybrook, NY 518-891-4334 | New
York State Outdoor Guides Association Albany, NY 12204 |
Department of Transportation NYSDOT State Campus Building
Room 105 Albany, NY 12232 | Adirondack
Sport Shop Route 86 (Lessons, Maps, Books) Wilmington, NY 12997 |
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