Warren County offers a variety of hiking opportunities to suit your level
of ability Please scroll down the list to find your trail.
Black Mt. Fire Tower Trail:
Crowning beautiful Lake George on it's eastern side the rocky and formidable
Black Mountain rises, grim and austere, from the water's edge. No vacationist
in the Lake George region should miss the awe inspiring view from this mountasin
top. Lake Champlian, the Green Mountains of Vermont, Lake George and it's islands,
the Hudson Valley and all the high Adirondack peaks are spread out in one glorious
panorama. Located off of Rt. 22 between Ticonderoga and Whitehall. |
Jabe Pond: A beautiful walk through hemlock, and hardwood forest,
takes you on an exploration of this wonderful lake. Located south of Hague,
NY | Cook Mountain: A moderately easy
climb, the summit provides spectacular views of the surrounding Champlain valley
area. Located just north of Rogers Rock Campground, NY |
Kibby Pond: This stocked pond, is a favorite with fisherman, and
it is a nice easy walk in. Located south west of North Creek, NY |
Crane Mountain: This is a thoroughly enjoyable climb,
which affords a variety of ways to ascend to the summit. Ladders leading up some
cliffs, and a pretty pond near the summit, are just some of the high points.
Located south of North Creek, NY | Prospect Mountain
Trail: The climb to the summit of this mountain is not easy but rewarding.
The trail follows in part the road bed of an old funicular railway that served
a once thriving summer hotel on the mountain. Located outside of Lake George
Village, NY | Grizzle Ocean: You must
pay an entrance fee to the campground, but it is well worth, when you take this
easy walk around the shore of this very pretty lake. Located outside of Ticonderoga,
NY | Toungue Mountain Range Trail: This trail
system contains over 18 miles of foot trails located for the most part on the
high ridges and affording many fine views of the surrounding territory. The most
popular section of the system follows the ridge of Tongue Mountain 10 miles from
it's point on the lake to Rt. 9N, north of Bolton Landing. The top of Tongue Mountain
is dry, and hikers are advised to bring canteens. A word of caution is due regarding
rattlesnakes. The situation is not dangerous, if normal precautions are observed.
Located 12 miles north of Bolton Landing, NY | Please
remember if you bring it in, make sure you bring it out!!! Always leave an
area the way it was before you got there - Lets keep the Adirondacks Clean!!
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