Rules and Regulations Subdivision (n) of Section 190.8
of Title 6 of the official compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the
State of New York provides for use of state owned lands by horses and equestrians
as follows: The riding, driving or leading of horses will be
permitted anywhere on state lands under the jurisdiction of the Department of
Environmental Conservation unless otherwise prohibited by law, regulation, posted
notice or this subdivision. No person shall ride or permit a horse on: land
devoted to intensively developed facilities, such as boat launch sites, day use
areas, campgrounds*, ski centers education centers, fish hatcheries, game farms
or headquarter complexes, and lands managed for public safety, such as flood control
levees; foot trails, except where such trails are part of a publicly maintained
road, or are specifically designated to allow travel by horses thereon; and designated
snowmobile trails and cross-country ski trails that are covered with ice or snow.
*Does not include camping areas specifically developed for
horse use. Department
Policy The following policies concerning the administration
and use of marked horse trails is set forth for your information and guidance.
Your cooperation in regard to these simple rules will be appreciated.
The Department of Environmental Conservation may close any area to public
use whenever it deems necessary. Further, the department may refuse entry to any
grouyp or individual who for any reason is not properly equipped for wilderness
travel. Individuals or groups entering an area with a registration booth must
register at the booth upon arrival and check out upon departure. Areas will
be used on a first-come-first -served basis. Lean-tos, horse shelters and corral
areas must be shared to their capacity. Groups, clubs and organizations wishing
to conduct organized rides or events must apply for a permit with the appropriate
regional forester's office. All groups of 10 or more must obtain a permit
prior to camping. Campsites shall not be set up within 150 feet of water,
rails or roads unless specifically designated by the Department. Current Coggins
test required for use of facilities. Sick or injured horsed must be removed from
state lands upon request by Department personnel. All users of state horse trails
must comply with New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Rules and
Regulations. Back To the Horseback

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